March 21, 2011

Update Is Needed. LAZINESS, GTFO!

Hi! I see I now have 415 Americans visiting my blog. Howdy y'all, how goes life in the U.S? And we have an astounding number of Germans too! Guten tag, Wie geht es Ihnen? :D

Ah, ahem,  I'm sorry, I've strayed a little too far off. ^^;

Well, life has been hectic. A little too hectic for my taste, actually. Catching up on studies, helping to manage my college's anime cons,  having my wireless fried. Yeah, life is totally hectic, it feels like my brains have been wonderfully fried to perfection.

In any case, I found that I haven't updated this blog in almost a month; why this is happening, I do not know nor do I really want to know. It's just there.

I need a break, but these days it seems impossible to get a break without forcing oneself to believe one is ill, with massive headaches and nausea occurring every morning and moaning to people that "Oh, unhappy illness! I am sick!" in a very Shakespearean tone. And the bigger problem is it stays there until you actually deal with it.

So I think I'll do something about it. Yes, that's it.

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