February 14, 2011

Every Day is Maulidur Rasul Day.

My country bans Muslim people from celebrating Valentine's Day. True stuff. But of course, this doesn't EXTEND all the way to Non-muslims - non-Muslims still have the free choice of celebrating Valentines'.

Now, the day after that, 15th February 2011, is Maulidur Rasul Day, or the day the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was born. A question for you now is - why are so many Muslims making a hissy fit on Valentines' Day when Maulidur Rasul is made a grand day - when by right IT SHOULD BE CELEBRATED AND REMEMBERED EVERY DAY?

Personally, I don't agree with Valentines' Day. Valentines' is just an excuse to either waste your money on trivial stuff or get laid. It's simply lame. You can still spoil your loved one silly any other day. You could still get laid any other day (just so you know, I don't encourage you to go round getting laid either, okay?). So why do people have to create a specific day to show love when it's something you can - no, you're SUPPOSED to show every single day without fail?

Same thing goes for Maulidur Rasul. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. is a great man. He's a legend. He's everything a Muslim wanted to be, his beliefs and morals something we all want to adapt and apply in our daily lives. He is someone we should be remembering every day. Therefore, what is the significance of Maulidur Rasul when, by right, we should be remembering and showing our love to him every single day: in our prayers, in our doa, in our selawat, in everything we do?

Yes, I do know that it's to commemorate his birth. In the words of a friend, it's like celebrating your birthday. But Prophet Muhammad is more awesome than any of you, because billions of people will be there to celebrate it even after his death thousands of years ago. I'm not saying we shouldn't celebrate Maulidur Rasul, but at the very least, I hope you don't just celebrate it one day and then suddenly forget about him the very next day - or worse, just a few minutes after following the Maulidur Rasul parade in your area. "Buang karan aje kalau macam tu".

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