April 25, 2011

Because I Need an Update.

Starting time: 12.30 PM

Name: Redha Attiya binti Abdullah Saidi

Sisters: Syaza Iwani

Brothers: Abdullah Ghazi, Abdullah Hadhri, Abdullah Wafi

Eye Color: Brown.

Shoe size: 10. *flails*

Hair: Shoulder-length and quite wavy due to being in a bun frequently

Piercings: None, I don't do piercing. o_o

Height: 160 cm. YEAH BBY YEAH

What are you wearing right now?: A T-shirt that presumably came from Sabah (it had a picture of an orang utan and the words 'Sepilok, Sabah' on it) and a 'kain batik'.

Where do you live?: Miri.

Favorite number: 9

Favorite drink: Tea.

Favorite month: January - because it's BIRTHDAY MONTH 8D.

Favorite breakfast: Something nice and piping hot, however simple. Sometimes curry puffs will do! <3

***********Have You Ever***********

broken a bone: Uh...

been in a police car: Nah. I wish I did, but preferably not because I committed a crime. HAHA.

been on a plane: Yes, loads of times.

been in a hot tub: I'd be in a hot  tub every time I have a chance!

swam in the ocean: Yeap.

fallen asleep in school: Yes.

broken someone’s heart: Um. Loads of times, I guess...

cried when someone died?: Yeah. But it was three hours before I realized what happened and start crying my eyes out. My first death.

fell off your chair: Yeah. XD

sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No. Don't have anyone to call.

saved e-mails: I have loads of e-mails in my Outlook. :)

been cheated on: No.

***********What is************

your room like?: Messy?

what is right beside you?: A book and my phone.

what is the last thing you ate?: Bits of chicken.

———————-Ever Had- ————————-

chicken pox: Yes.

sore throat: Yeap.

stitches: Nah.

broken nose: No.

————————-Do You————————–

believe in love at first sight?: Yes. See, I'm a hopeless romantic.

like picnics: Yes!


who was the last person you danced with?: My niece.

who last made you smile?: My aunt's family and my sister.


did you last yell at?: My niece, because she was being so naughty.

do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: Glasses.

———-Final Questions————-

what are you listening to right now?: Blackstreet ft. Dr Dre: No Diggity.

what did you do today?: Sleep, because I have a bad stomachache.

diamond or pearl?: Pearls FTW.

are you the oldest?: No. I'm right SMACK in the middle. What a bummer. >__>

indoors or out doors?: Depends.

——————Today did you———————-
(I thought you said that was the last set of questions! Dirty little piece of... >8U)

1. talk to someone you care for?: Yeah.

2. kiss anyone?: No.

3. get sick?: Yeah. :(

4. sing?: No.

5. talk to an ex?: Nope.

6. miss someone: Yeah.

7. eat: Not yet.

—————-Last person who——————

8. you talked to on the phone?: My roommate.

9. made you cry?: Nobody

10. went to the movies with?: Nobody.

11. you went to the mall with?: My friends.

——————Have you——————-

19. been to Mexico?: Why would I want to go to Mexico for?

20. been to USA?: Planning to.


21. have a crush on someone?: Yeah XP.

22. what books are you reading right now?: World's Best Trivia.

24. future kids names?: Haven't really given it a thought.

25. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No. Give me a plush Vegeta and I'll get back to you on that.

26. what’s under your bed: Bags.

27. favorite sport(s) to watch: Not interested in sports.

28. favorite place: Home.

32. who do you really hate?: Not pointing fingers at anyone.

33. do you have a job?: No.

37. What time is it now?: 12.47 PM

38. Done?: last questions? : NO MORE QUESTIONS BITCHES.

Gleaned from Adi - Wandering Souls

1 comment:

  1. I slept with a stuffed animal. And you don't have a plush Vegeta? haha...dammit. I knew it.
