November 09, 2010

Take Control of My Life!

Goddamit Batman, stop pointing at me. I'm totally working on it, dang it! D:

College is taking up much of life, yet I'm still adopting the "cruisin' through life" attitude I had from high school. Yet I find it hard for me to find time drawing, or I just lack the motivation to do so. 

I miss drawing. I wanted to draw as much as I had in high school. Is this what it feels like to grow up? But what if I  don't want to grow up? 


I need a miracle to survive this. I'm so jealous of all my friends who aren't necessarily having it easy, but they do have more holidays than I have. :( I miss my family, my friends, my hometown. I do realize that I gotta do my best even if it killed me.


I suppose, however, that life will never be easy. I can't control that. BUT I can control what I can do about it to make MY life easy.

Anyway, in all sense of the word, I'm glad I haven't lost my head just yet. I'm doing all I can to overcome my weaknesses, honing in on my strengths, and also learning to manage my money. Life isn't easy, but it's not hard either. I can safely say that I can look at challenges straight in the eye and go


Peace, brothers and sisters! <3

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