September 30, 2010
The 10th Kingdom
Har. I managed to rewatch "The 10th Kingdom" yesterday, all the way till the end. All memories of watching it in the past came back to me. I had loved this show so much! It's pretty much an integral part of my childhood, right there together with all the cartoons and other shows I've grown up with and loved.
I'm going to see if Dinotopia is on sale. I loved that show too.
September 20, 2010
MOAR Broly Spam 2.
By the way - did you know if you were to spell Broly as "Brolly", you're actually spelling out the UK's slang term for umbrella?
Moar Broly Spam.
These images are not drawn by me, obviously. Duuuuh. They're illustrated by impressive talents from Japanese art community site,
However, I won't name them.
Go find out yourselves.
Damn lazy people.
September 18, 2010
I Am The Walrus
Not much. I'm just going around de-stressing myself.
I had to endure a terrible headache today, and my body just ached all over. I cannot believe this. This is the first time in over 3 year that I finally come down with an illness. Y'know - the "Oh God, I feel so TERRIBLE" kind of illness.
I hope this illness will last until Monday though. I'd love to have a day off from lectures. Especially seeing that I'm going to have to face a VERY HECTIC Monday. Now I look forward to it no more than how I look forward to Thursdays - with that feeling of dread.
I had to endure a terrible headache today, and my body just ached all over. I cannot believe this. This is the first time in over 3 year that I finally come down with an illness. Y'know - the "Oh God, I feel so TERRIBLE" kind of illness.
I hope this illness will last until Monday though. I'd love to have a day off from lectures. Especially seeing that I'm going to have to face a VERY HECTIC Monday. Now I look forward to it no more than how I look forward to Thursdays - with that feeling of dread.
September 16, 2010
Who is DJ Mystik and why has he ruined Beethoven's Fur Elise?
I cannot believe this. WHY GOD WHY.
Just this morning I went bowling at Mid Valley with friends, and while we were bowling, I heard this wonderful Fur Elise remix.
Like the geek I am, I went straight to Youtube to get the song...but unfortunately all I find are dozens of godawful ones that seem to be created by children who seem to be whizzes at computers but unfortunately have no ear for a good tune.
And the worst one so far is this. THIS!
I'm sure Beethoven is turning in his grave at the very thought of his works being desecrated like this.
Now I'm sure this 'DJ Mystik' must be held in high regards by his legion of fans, so I must apologise for such harsh banter. Unfortunately, whoever he (or she) is, this is not his best work. Honestly.
There, I said it.
September 15, 2010
Things I Want to Buy For the Next Term.
1. Clothing and accessories: Two tops, preferably from Times Square (The only place where you can get cheap clothing), two more pashminas (or whatever you call them), one more pendant and a brooch set - budget of RM150, am not willing to spend more than that.
2. Drawing Tablet, max. RM250 (may be subject to many, many things)
3. The Undercover Economist. Just reading for my Economics class.
4. One 'how to draw' book, not more than RM100.
5. Transformers Armada Omnibus - last time I checked, it was RM75.90 in MPH.
6. A decent planner, not more than RM30
7. A notebook cooler fan, lowest is RM10 if you get it from Low Yat Plaza
8. Master Grade Figurerise 1/8 Goku (I need to see where I can put him though) - RM130-150. MUST BUY. GRAAAAAH.
2. Drawing Tablet, max. RM250 (may be subject to many, many things)
3. The Undercover Economist. Just reading for my Economics class.
4. One 'how to draw' book, not more than RM100.
5. Transformers Armada Omnibus - last time I checked, it was RM75.90 in MPH.
6. A decent planner, not more than RM30
7. A notebook cooler fan, lowest is RM10 if you get it from Low Yat Plaza
8. Master Grade Figurerise 1/8 Goku (I need to see where I can put him though) - RM130-150. MUST BUY. GRAAAAAH.
Altogether I'm going to set aside some money for this. PRIORITY BE THE GOKU FIGURERISE MODEL.
WTF? Google Translator Thinks My Friend Writes in INDONESIAN?!

I think I just dropped my jaw. Excuse me while I pick it up.
Is Google Translator trying to tell us that our Sarawakian dialect is Indonesian? Lol. How interesting. I'd like to try it one of these days.
Sorry, Ejul. Tak ku sengaja mahu melukakan hatimu.
And this is why I write my blogs in plain FREAKING English.
September 14, 2010
There's something outrageously funny about this thing since the classic "I'm Happy" face.
"A /b/ meme from 4chan, featuring a picture of Imperfect Cell from Dragonball Z depicted in blackface shouting either SHOOP DA WHOOP or IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER. A third image features the so-called Nigra Cell firing the aforementioned laser, sometimes referred to as a 'n*ggerbeam' .
Since the meme's introduction, numerous spinoff images have also been created, featuring various characters wearing blackface while 'chargin' their lazers', or sometimes firing them as well. The firing of said lasers, especially in crowded indoor environments, frequently results in personal injury, Massive damage and property damage - which, as we all know, is ******* hilarious and should be encouraged among today's hopelessly corrupted youth. Another popular shop is to simply paste Cell's gigantic mouth onto the 'chargee', instantly transforming them into another incarnation of Shoop Da Whoop."

There's something outrageously funny about this thing since the classic "I'm Happy" face.
"A /b/ meme from 4chan, featuring a picture of Imperfect Cell from Dragonball Z depicted in blackface shouting either SHOOP DA WHOOP or IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER. A third image features the so-called Nigra Cell firing the aforementioned laser, sometimes referred to as a 'n*ggerbeam' .
Since the meme's introduction, numerous spinoff images have also been created, featuring various characters wearing blackface while 'chargin' their lazers', or sometimes firing them as well. The firing of said lasers, especially in crowded indoor environments, frequently results in personal injury, Massive damage and property damage - which, as we all know, is ******* hilarious and should be encouraged among today's hopelessly corrupted youth. Another popular shop is to simply paste Cell's gigantic mouth onto the 'chargee', instantly transforming them into another incarnation of Shoop Da Whoop."
Oh damn, DBZ. Why do you have to become a source of so much retardedly funny nonsense? You have Alternate Reality DBZ, DBZ Abridged, Camron23's animations..and THIS. OH GOD, BLOODY HELL. XD
As much as I found it stupid, I just love it for some reason. Is it human nature? Lol.
And now I have some - no, just two - Shoop da Whoop variations to show you.
And this one is from my friend:

September 03, 2010
Shocking Stats FTW
Since Blogger suddenly came out with a stats section, I couldn't resist (Attention whore BLAAAARGH).
I was expecting an all-Malaysian audience, but instead I found this:
WTFH4X? There's even one from Latvia and Russia? LOL
Hmm. Must've been the result of putting my blog likn in my dA ID. I have this funny feeling that I'm being 'stalked'.
I was expecting an all-Malaysian audience, but instead I found this:
WTFH4X? There's even one from Latvia and Russia? LOL
Hmm. Must've been the result of putting my blog likn in my dA ID. I have this funny feeling that I'm being 'stalked'.
Answer me this.
What in the whole wide world does OTL mean?
And are abbreviations even necessary?
What in the whole wide world does OTL mean?
And are abbreviations even necessary?
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